Thursday, 25 July 2013

Was Seal Team 6 Assassinated by Obama?

Assassination?  Maybe Not.
But Obama did conduct a massive cover up and refuses
to speak with the families.

The Hill reports Congress has launched an investigation of the helicopter crash that killed 30 Americans in Afghanistan, including members of the Navy’s elite SEAL Team 6 unit.

The victims’ families say the Pentagon hasn’t provided answers to their many questions about the deadly attack, which took place on Aug. 6, 2011, three months after Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan by Team 6 forces.

Charlie Strange, whose son Michael was among those killed, said he asked President Obama two years ago at Dover Air Force Base to fully investigate.
Obama praised Michael’s service to Strange, who responded, “I don’t need to know about my son. I need to know what happened to my son.”

The president promised he would investigate, Strange said, but he never heard back from the White House.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee on National Security, told The Hill, “We’re going to dive into this.”

Chaffetz said he met with the victims’ families about a month ago in what he described as an “emotional” gathering. He is poised to send questions to the Pentagon and may hold hearings on the matter.

The Pentagon claims the Chinook was shot down by Afghan militants, and all 38 on board perished. Among the dead were 30 Americans, including 22 Navy SEALS, seven Afghan soldiers and one Afghan translator.
  • Insurgents were boasting on the Internet they had taken out Team 6 shortly after the helicopter crashed.
  • Shortly before the CH-47 Chinook helicopter took off on a rescue mission (operation Extortion 17), seven Afghan commandos who were on the passenger list were replaced by other Afghan military "officials".  The victims’ families noted that their sons didn’t trust Afghan soldiers. One was quoted as saying, “They are loyal to the highest bidder.”
  • The bodies of the SEALS were later recovered, but the helicopter’s black box "vanished".   Pentagon officials have said that the box was "lost" in a magical "flood" that occurred exactly at this moment.
  •  The Pentagon ordered that all the bodies were to be cremated.  After all you can't do an autopsy on ashes.

A Pentagon spokesman declined to answer detailed questions.

Read more: The Hill.

Dr. Michael Savage  -  The Seals were Assassinated 
Michael Savage reviews the Navy Seal families press conference of the downing
of Extotion 17.
The families present detailed evidence directly blaming the administration and Barack Obama for the deaths of more Seals in a single moment than in the entire history of the Navy Seals.


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