Saturday, 12 October 2013

Iran arrests “Network of Homosexuals and Satanists”

Iran arrests ‘network of homosexuals
and Satanists’ at birthday party

Police State  -  Personally I can understand inviting Satanists to a birthday party.  But Gays????  My God the earth might open underneath us.

There appears to be an endless supply of fucking idiots in the world.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have announced the arrest of “a network of homosexuals and Satanists” in the western city of Kermanshah, close to the country’s border with Iraq, prompting fresh alarm over the treatment of gay people in the Islamic republic.

The news website of the Revolutionary Guards in Kermanshah province, home to the country’s Kurd ethnic minority, reported on Thursday that their elite forces had dismantled what it claimed to be a network of homosexuals and devil-worshippers.

A number of foreign nationals, including Iraqis, were also among those detained, the report said, adding that eight of the group were married to each other reports Raw Story.

The group were picked up from one of the city’s ceremony halls, which they had rented for a birthday party. The guards’ webiste said they were dancing as the raid ensued.

The Religion of Peace hanging Gays in Iran.

The Revolutionary Guards claimed the group had been under surveillance for some time but did not specify how many people were arrested.

The Guardian has been informed that the raid took place on Tuesday night when some 80 people, including both straight and gay Iranians, had gathered for a birthday party in Kermanshah.

At least 17 people who had tattoos, make-up, or were wearing rainbow bracelets were blindfolded and taken to an unknown location, according to a local source. Partygoers were filmed by the elite forces and had their mobile phones confiscated.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Iran face serious persecution both from the ruling system and broader society, especially by hardline conservatives. Some risk horrific punishments, including the death penalty and heavy jail sentences, others are bulllied and forced into exile.

Official treatment of gay people varies dramatically depending on where they are arrested and who by. Those arrested in provincial cities like in Kermanshah, are usually under more pressure.

Until recently same-sex sodomy was punishable by death but a new amendment to the penal code, approved in 2012, has brought new changes. Under the new penal code, in effect, the person who played an active role will be flogged 100 times if the sex was consensual and he was not married, but the one who played a passive role will still be put to death regardless of his marriage status.

Punishment for mosahegheh (lesbianism) is 100 lashes for all individuals involved, but it can lead to the death penalty if the act is repeated four times.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

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