Saturday, 3 August 2013

SHOCK - Police State Execution of a Baby Deer

"Giggles" the deer was not even safe from Big
Brother Government at a no kill shelter.

Stand Back!  We've come for the baby deer.
Armed SWAT Team shows up at a no-kill animal
shelter to butcher a baby deer.

Police State  -  As a John Muir Conservative Conservationist I am royally pissed off at this latest story about the growing and militarized American Police State.

An animal shelter owner describes for a news reporter, how he was raided by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, with gun-toutin' SWAT Agents kicking down his doors, all because of the presence of a baby deer who they were nursing back to health. .The SWAT Agents killed the deer, saying it's policy to protect against possible contagion.

WISN 12 News investigated an operation raising questions about the use of government resources and the state policy that meant a death sentence for a fawn reports WISN News.
"It was like a SWAT team," shelter employee Ray Schulze said.

Shelter employee Ray Schulze
Two weeks ago, Schulze was working in the barn at the Society of St. Francis on the Kenosha-Illinois border when a swarm of squad cars arrived and officers unloaded with a search warrant.
"(There were) nine DNR agents and four deputy sheriffs, and they were all armed to the teeth," Schulze said.
The focus of their search was a baby fawn brought there by an Illinois family worried she had been abandoned by her mother.
"When it made a little noise, it sounded like it was laughing," Schulze said.
Schulze videotaped the fawn they named Giggles during the two weeks she was there. The Department of Natural Resources began investigating after two anonymous calls reporting a baby deer at the no-kill shelter.
The warden drafted an affidavit for the search warrant, complete with aerial photos in which he described getting himself into a position where he was able to see the fawn going in and out of the barn.
Agents told staff they came to seize the deer because Wisconsin law forbids the possession of wildlife.

A Dozen Armed Agents Raid Animal Shelter to Execute Captive Baby Deer 

The Society of St. Francis no-kill shelter.
Oh a deer, a female deer.
Giggles the Deer
Sentenced to Death in GOP run Wisconsin.

Governor Scott Walker, what the Hell is going on?

The Growing American Police State
From baby deers to your Facebook page to your phone calls, the growing bi-partisan 1984 Big Brother Surveillance State is trying to control, watch and record your every move.

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